
End-To-End Solution

Provides every necessary component to be capable of Designing, Building, Testing, Deploying, and Integrate with multi-channels.

Best Quality & Performance

Affords the most powerful conversational tool, strong in language processing, and scalable to serve thousands of users concurrently.

Hybrid languages

Create your virtual assistance with multi-language support. The system will auto-detects utterance language and generates response according to the detected language.

Multi-channels integration

Reach more audiences, wherever they are. Build bots for the Web, Mobile, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and other platforms your users are on.

Conversation design enviroment environment

Compose your virtual assistance with Conversation Designer to simplify conversation development via simulating the conversation between the user and the chatbot.

Testing environment

To keep your company virtual assistance up and running, Our Testing environment enables creating test cases Simulating Human Interaction.

Comprehensive analytics system

Explore various conversation data statistics via the analytics system. It helps in assessing how your virtual assistance is being used in production and is used to enhance your virtual assistance by creating feedback test-cases.


Registered user will feel that they are more understood, by slashing options from conversation, and managing their personal account by intuitive way.

Powerful diagram builder

Create your chatbot easily by moving customizable elements over the scenario. Drag and drop responses and actions to compose the best conversational experience.

Human-like response strategy

Simulating the human style of responding to inquiries, which is done through a request for a clarification:

1) In case there is a mysterious in the inquiry.

2) In case there is any ambigous concept in the inquiry.

Mysterious resolving algorithm

analyizing inquiry strcture and detect mysterious then request for a clarification. Ex.

Concept disambiguation algorithm

which is moving From Ambiguity to Clarity, moving from concept to type concept Ex.


The Intent of any inquiry can be paraphrased in various ways.

Alkhwarizmi understanding system can handle Paraphrasing in all levels perfectly.

Talk About

When inquiring about a concept, Alkhwarizmi understanding system can go further in answering and give you all the characteristics related to this concept.

Multiple Intents

An inquiry can hold more than one intent. Alkhwarizmi understanding system can handle single inquiry with Multiple Intents.

Context inquiry and Memory

Context inquiry is an inquiry that depends on the context of the dialogue. Alkhwarizmi understanding system can store dialogue context in memory and process it.


One of the most difficult challenges in NLP is the ability to understand contextual ellipsing. Alkhwarizmi understanding system is Able to estimate ellipsing and answer according to it

Response aggregation

Any concept can be restricted by a simple cocept or constructed concept, so Alkhwarizmi understanding system has aggregation pipline to handle complex concept restrictions.

Concept complex restrictions

Concept complex restrictions Alkhwarizmi understanding system can handle simple and complex concept restrictions inquiry Ex.

Function Properties

Alkhwarizmi understanding system can proccess function properties like age,count...etc


Story Telling

Under development.

Fact Extraction & sentiment analysis

Under development.

Work smarter, not harder

Get your very own virtual assistant, today!

© 2020 AlKhwarizmi . All Rights Reserved.

AlKhwarizmi is a product of ASAS ALQARAR.


AlKhwarizmi is priced in different plans and is available in cloud or on-premises.

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